About me
Hi! My name is kiwi, pronouns are they/them, and i am shit at formatting. Come back when this site looks prettier.
If you are okay with your eyes burning with the power of a billion suns when reading this, here's some context about me. I'm a second year college student majoring in cs, minoring in either math or physics i haven't decided yet (theres so much cool stuff to be learned aaaaarrghhh). Idk jackshit about computers but i am always eager to learn. I quit social media cold turkey about a year ago after years of being addicted, which just made me further think about how we interact with technology and how that affects our offline relationships. All that combined led me to finally create this personal website. I don't have specific plans of what to put in here, but i guess for now it's whatever i wanna yell into the void.
Oh and im terrible at articulating my thoughts and tend to ramble a lot, if you haven't noticed.